I, like most people, waited until the pain was so bad that it hurt to even walk. I wasn’t keen on going to my family doctor who could only offer temporary relief through medication. It was my husband who first suggested that I come see “Dr. Rob” (as he is called by my husband). He had been coming to see Dr. Rob about once a month for quite some time. Because of the pain I was in, I decided to give it a try. Within the first month of treatment, most of the pain was gone. I was feeling 85% better.
In addition to my lower back pain, I was also suffering from Restless Leg Syndrome (R.L.S.) and I was not sleeping well. Since coming to see Dr. Rob, both my lower back and R.L.S. are doing 100% better and I’m even able to enjoy running on the tread mill at the gym again. Plus I’m sleeping at night again.
I, like so many people, believe that God sent me to Dr. Rob so that He could use Dr. Rob and his gift of chiropractic (which is from God) and compassion as an instrument of healing.
I would and I have recommended Dr. Rob and his staff to friends and family. It’s a shame that so many people are unaware of the benefits of chiropractic care . The atmosphere in Dr. Rob’s office is very peaceful and comforting for all who come. The staff is always friendly, understanding and makes everyone feel welcome as you enter the office.
Alane Babcock
I had suffered from neck pain and stiffness for 10+ years. It had gotten so bad that I could hardly turn my head at all, and my life was beginning to suffer because it had become constant. My husband told some people at work about it and they recommended Crosby Chiropractic Center because they had been helped tremendously by getting regular adjustments. Then, almost as if a sign, I received the pamphlet in the mail. My insurance covered part of it so I figured, “Why not?”
I had always been skeptical about Chiropractic. I believed all the myths about it. I was nervous about having someone even touching my neck, much less moving it around. I went in for my initial visit anyway and was impressed by how friendly and personable the ladies were, like a big family. Dr. Rob was very patient, knowledgeable and answered every question I had (which was quite a few).
I have since been coming regularly for the last 2 months. My pain is almost completely gone, and I am amazed at the range of motion I now have. I feel better than I have in a long time, and I’m committed to continue coming so I can improve even more. I’m very grateful to Dr. Rob and the staff of Crosby Chiropractic Center for their help, patience, and smiles at every visit. They’re the best!
Anna Odom
I started seeing Dr. Rosenbaum after I was in a car wreck earlier this year. Basically, it caused severe headaches, problems with my neck and shoulders, as well as with my back and side, pain in my legs and numbness in my hands. Now after three months of adjustments I have mobility in my neck, my headaches are virtually gone, my leg pain is gone and I have numbness only a few times a week. Thanks to Dr. Rosenbaum and his care, I have gotten better and am nearly 100%. He is thorough, gentle and caring and is awesome with his hands. He has done so well that I brought my mom to see him. His staff is wonderful! Every single lady in the office is friendly, helpful and crazy, just like me!
Thanks Doc.
I wish you Great Blessings
Melissa Duplechian
My name is Maria Wright, and I have been a patient of Dr. Rosenbaum`s for 13 years. I first became interested in chiropractic care after the birth of my fourth child- at the "youthful" age of 40! I was experiencing great pain in my mid-back and neck and felt I could no longer go on with that pain. I had been in a car accident several years before and had suffered whip-lash which caused the severe problems with my neck. I realized that the pain was not "going to go away" and am so thankful for the help that I have received.
When my youngest child, Joshua, was two years old, he fell from his brother`s top bunk bed. Although he appeared to be all right, he crawled around the rest of the evening saying he could not walk. The next day I took him in to see Dr. Rosenbaum, and he took x-rays and did some very thorough screening to check for injuries. It was then that Joshua began his chiropractic care and loved every minute of it. Dr. Rosenbaum was great in the way he gave him his adjustments so very appropriate for a young child. Joshua was never afraid to get an adjustment and could not wait for his turn, as Dr. Rob interacted with him in his "games". Sure does make a mom feel good when a doctor takes such pains with her child!
My daughter, Belinda, was 18 when she started getting chiropractic treatments. Pain in her lower back spread to her leg causing her extreme pain that made walking almost impossible. After evaluation by Dr. Rob, she began receiving adjustments up to four times a week until she was at a functional level. Now at the age of 31, Belinda is married and has a three-month-old baby boy. Her husband, Daniel, is also a patient of Dr. Rob`s. Belinda continues to receive treatments on a maintenance level, and as long as she does this, she feels great.
I am glad to report that all of my children (Bobby, 33; Belinda, 31; John Henry, 24; and Joshua, 15) and their spouses (my husband included) have been patients of Dr. Rob`s. Now we just need to have the grandchildren (5-yr-old Robby and 3-month-old Matthew) receive this great treatment! Whenever I hear someone complain about back problems, I am quick to share my story and tell how Dr. Rob has helped my family. Thanks Dr. Rosenbaum!!!!
Maria Wright
Negative messages about the chiropractic profession caused me to shy away from it all my life. But when I began to suffer from chronic stiff neck, I longed to restore flexibility to my upper body. Increasing pain and stiffness in one shoulder led me to believe I’d lost the use of it for good. Funny how pain changes your thinking. Agony is a great motivator. A brochure came in the mail from Crosby Chiropractic Center , and I made the call.
Dr. Rosenbaum understood my reticence and naiveté. He and his staff took my hand and led me through the process, explaining every step of the way. Their mission is clear—to help, because they care—and when you leave their office you feel just that, cared for. Within days, I found myself pain-free and loose as a goose. And very grateful!
Pain relief was just half of it. I received a bonus. Having good health all my life, it surprised me when I began to suffer seasonal allergies, frequent colds, skin conditions, etc., worsening with each passing year. Research into possible causes all pointed in the same direction: my immune system. So I wondered…what is this illusive ‘immune system’ and why had mine deserted me just when I needed it most? Why did some get hit by every stray germ, while others dodged the bullet? I read and understood the connections: vitamin deficiencies, lack of rest, smoking and chronic stress, but the picture seemed incomplete. Through my association with Dr. Rob and his commitment to patient education, I’ve found the missing piece to the puzzle.
I’m on a mission of my own now, to share what I’ve learned with friends and family. My only regret is having allowed the chiropractic profession to remain shrouded in superstition and mystery. I feel cheated out of years of good health and the chance to feel my best. Had I known chiropractic could change my life in so many positive ways I would have sough help sooner.
Can you live healthier and free from pain without dangerous drugs or surgery? Yes. And you’ll jump for joy—becauseyou can.
Marcia Gruver
I am so thankful that the Lord directed me to Crosby Chiropractic Center . I have been going to a Chiropractor in Houston for 9 years, in and out of back pain and right leg pain. I first heard about the IDD technology from my daughter in Jasper. Then my daughter in Florida saw it on television and my daughter from the Beaumont area also found out about it. Then the little local paper came out and I saw and read the article about Crosby Chiropractic. Dr. Rosenbaum`s advertisement was my fourth confirmation that I was to pursue this new lead.
I was in much pain but have improved so much for which I am so thankful. The office is a joy to come to. All of their laughter and joy of being a part of helping others feel better is a joy. Dr. Rob is so gentle and caring that his whole office has that caring and thoughtfulness. Thank you, Dr. Rob, Mary Helen, Stephanie and Monica.
Georgia Turnipseed
In July of this year, I entered Dr. Rosenbaum’s office on a walking cane. I could barely walk; I was bent over limping severely on my left side. Also, my left knee was swollen at least 3 times the normal size. Dr. Rosenbaum did some x-rays and examined the situation. I returned the next day and was given a full explanation of the problem, the plan to correct the situation and a payment plan to help pay the expenses. I started my therapy that same day and within 2 weeks I was walking without the cane. I now have 2 knees that look the same, the swelling almost completely gone and my limp is 95% gone. I am very happy with the results.
Prior to my visits at Dr. Rosenbaum’s office, I could not shop or do anything that required standing for any length of time or walking very far. This situation is improving with every adjustment. I find that I have more stamina and am able to walk longer distances.
I believe that Dr. Rosenbaum and his staff have the best “bedside” manner of any doctor’s office that I have ever gone to. Everyone in his office is always polite, caring, professional, friendly, encouraging and eager to help. This is something they can be very proud of. It is like going to visit family when you go in for your treatments. I would recommend Crosby Chiropractic to anyone that is having physical problems. I never realized how important it is to keep your body aligned. It makes a huge difference. I believe that chiropractic adjustments will be an important part of my life for a long time to come.
Valonda Dann
I was referred to Dr. Rosenbaum by a guy that works with my fiance'. I can remember the first day my fiance' and I walked in the office. I was very pleased with how nice, calm and relaxed the office was. The employees as well as Dr. Rosenbaum are just so pleasant and take care of you like they really appreciate your business. Here, all of them care for you and make you feel welcomed. I really appreciate how Dr. Rosenbaum sits and listens to your problems.
Since I have been coming here, I have been feeling so much better. My pain is not as bad as it used to be before I found help. Mornings when I leave here I have a big smile on my face because he says those magic words to me that are like music to my ears, "You`re adjusting very well." I have never met anyone in my lifetime that actually cares about your well being as much as Dr. Rosenbaum does. He goes that extra mile into getting you back on that path to good health. I would like to say to him as well as his staff, "Thank you so much for making my getting back to health such a pleasure." I would most definitely recommend others to come here.
LaTasha Lee
The pain and sleeplessness of the sciatica alleviated in less than two full weeks of chiropractic treatment , then was a non-issue after 3 weeks. There was significant relief in the occurrence of migraines. Over the course of treatment and time I have noticed that my endurance in cycling, running and cross-training has greatly increased. As well, I have been able to increase weight and reps in my weight-training. Did I mention that I’ve never visited a more pleasant and Zen aware office and staff!
God bless you tenfold,
Vicki MacIntyre
I have been to other chiropractic clinics before and did not get the results I needed like I get at Dr. Rosenbaum’s clinic. I do carpenter work for a living, and need to have a good working back and neck to do my job. About six or seven months ago was working on a house, painting the base boards in a bathroom. As I was turning my body in a corner, I had a very sharp pain in my lower back, I could not move because it hurt so bad. Since I’ve been going to Dr. Rosenbaum’s clinic my overall health is better. The staff is wonderful too, because they care about their patients.
Bill Layton
I was in so much pain that even the smallest tasks were to painful for me to do. I was in such bad shape at the time I came to Crosby Chiropractic that I was unable to do day to day tasks on my own. I couldn’t stand for very long, sitting for any length of time was painful, traveling was nearly out of the question. I was unable to sleep at night from the pain. My husband had to help me get out of bed in the mornings, shower and get dressed. I was to the point that I actually thought I was dying. I came to Crosby Chiropractic and explained my concerns about chiropractic treatment and how I felt about the direction my life was going. Dr. Rosenbaum assured me he could help me. I have been coming to Crosby Chiropractic and I now have my life back. I am back to doing daily tasks that at one point in my life were impossible. I have lost 32 pounds and feel like traveling and doing the things I enjoy without the pain. I know that Crosby Chiropractic changed my life for the better. I would hate to think what my life might be like now without Dr. Rosenbaumand his tremendous staff. Thank God for Dr. Rosenbaum and everyone at Crosby Chiropractic . They are loving caring people.
Debbie Durbin
This is my first time to use a chiropractor. In the past I have had cortisone shot which only helped temporarily. With the I.D.D therapy my back feels better than it has in five or six years. They have a great office and they care about their patients and are always friendly.
Willard Brown
I had a severe neck and shoulder problem that my family doctor wanted to send me immediately to a neurosurgeon. I opted to see Dr. Rosenbaum first and that was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I experienced results from the very first adjustment. I highly recommend seeing Dr. Rosenbaum before I would let anyone operate first.
Stephen Walker
I am a 46-year old female that had physically worked all my adult life. In the last few years I began accumulating many health problems, i.e. migraine headaches, aches and pains in my neck, hips, back, and knees, sinus infections at least six times a year, gastritis, colitis, etc. I began hurting so badly it was sometimes hard to conduct daily activities. I was literally living on pain relief medications and over-the-counter medications just to get through each day.
I remembered Dr. Rosenbaum’s name and called his office to schedule an exam and consultation. It was no surprise to hear the aches and pains I was experiencing were due to misalignments and deterioration in my neck and my spine. I began seeing Dr. Rosenbaum three times a week. Within the first week, I was already beginning to feel some relief.
One day, I went in for my scheduled appointment and I mentioned to the doctor that I had been suffering with a headache for a couple of days. Dr. Rosenbaum did an adjustment and manipulation to the back of my head, and I was amazed by the time I left his office my headache was gone. Dr. Rosenbaum has helped me in so many ways and I feel that God has really given him a special gift to be able to help so many people and actually show compassion and concern for each person.
I would like to commend Dr. Rosenbaum on the great women on his staff - Christen, Mary Helen, and Monica. They are so very special, and make everyone who comes into the office feel welcomed.
Mary Kay
Every aspect of my life is improved. I sleep at night. I can play with my children. I re-arrange furniture sometimes just because I can. My weight is back down to where I was pre-pregnancy. I have energy like never before. Sometimes my husband tells me to slow down but I’m having so much fun being me again that I have to really tune in and do just that…slow down. I have my life back and I look forward to all those activities like jet skiing and 4-wheeling again. Most of all, though, I look forward to getting up each day and being blessed my husband and children who waited patiently for me to find Dr. Rosenbaum. Relief and your life back are just a few adjustments away!
Sheila Taylor
For years I’ve suffered with degenerative arthritis. I had constant pain in my spine and hip. I could not stand up straight, but instead bent forward when I walked. It hurt me to do everyday chores or to be on my feet very long. I went to a specialist and was told all he could do was give me cortisone shot or anti-inflammatory medication. I knew there had to be another way. Then I received a newsletter in the mail from Dr. Rosenbaum with a special offer to try chiropractic therapy. I decided to give it a chance. Everyone in the office is like family. All are very caring. Dr. Rosenbaum is willing to answer any questions and is very gentle with his treatments. He seems to know what is needed for each individual. Now I can stand straight, reach up without pain, lift and bend. Most importantly, I can sleep through the night without pain. All my family notices a big difference. It’s so wonderful to be free of pain without medication. Once again I can be an active senior citizen.
Thank you, Dr. Rosenbaum
Joyce Mustain
For about a year I had experienced tight neck muscles an spasms in my upper back. I thought this was due to typing on a computer for 8 hours a day, but when the pain started waking me up at night, I knew I had a problem. Several of my family members had received chiropractic treatment from Dr. Rosenbaum and they suggested I see him.
My first adjustment relieved my spasms, but when I saw my x-rays I was shocked. My spine was seriously out of line and Dr. Rosenbaum explained everything that was causing my problems. I decided that day to receive my treatment plan to correct my back.
As I progressed in my treatment I was amazed at how wonderful I felt. I didn’t know I felt bad until I started feeling very rested and a lot more energetic. My friends even told me I looked younger. My high blood pressure vanished and my doctor took me off my medication. He agreed that my back problems were causing stress which caused my high blood pressure. Dr. Rosenbaum and his staff are professional , knowledgeable but most of all very kind and personable. I would recommend chiropractic treatment to anyone. The benefits are just amazing.
Roxanna Doyle
I wasted 15 years, while pain increased and activity decreased, with spine doctors: the 1st told me it was all in my head; the 2nd said he didn’t think my legs were going numb because of my back (but could offer no other explanation), the 3rd folded his arms across his chest and said, “There is nothing surgically we can do for you,” BEFORE he looked at the results of $3,000 worth of testing. After that he wanted to give me “diagnostic” shots. I was going to bed at night crying and getting out of bed in the morning with tears in my eyes. That was about the time I got Dr. Rosenbaum’s mailer. With an offer of a free exam and x-rays, what did I have to lose? I went into his office with a HUGE chip on my shoulder. Dr. Rosenbaum, Mary Helen, Christen, Monica and Mary all had very understanding and helpful attitudes, and the chip fell off. After ONE of the (IDD) Intra-vertebral Decompression treatments I slept for several hours instead of waking up every one and a half hours with pain.. I am now cooking meals without having to sit down.. I can walk completely around Wal-Mart without holding myself up with the cart. I helped my husband trim a large oak tree and cut the trimmings into firewood. I took a two mile walk with my sisters-in-law. I will not jump out of the back of a pick-up, nor will I move bales of hay around anymore, but I have gotten my life back and I feel twenty years younger.
Teddy Rush